Points Assignment

Earn points when you perform specific actions.
Create Article
Earn points when you create a new article on the site.
Deleted Article
Demote points when your article is deleted.
Read Article
Earn points when you read an article.
Article Read by User
Earn points when a user reads your article.
Install Applications
Earn points when you install applications for your profile.
Uninstall Applications
Demote points when you uninstall applications for your profile.
Achieve any badge
Points will be given when you achieve any badge on the site.
Start a new conversation
Points will be given when you start a conversation with one of your friends.
Start a new conversation with more than 1 friend.
Points will be given when you start a new conversation with a group of friends.
Reply to a conversation
Earn points when you reply to a conversation.
Invite a user to an existing conversation
Earn points when you invite another user into an existing conversation.
Read a conversation
Earn points when you read a conversation.
Upload File
Earn points when you share a file on the site.
Adds a user as friend
Points will be given when you add another user as your friend.
Removes a friend
Points will be deducted from your account when you remove your friend.
Approves a friend request
Points will be given when you approve an incoming friend request.
Create a new friend list
Earn points when you create a new list of friends.
Removes a friend list
Deduct points when a friend list is deleted.
Assign a friend into a friend list
Earn points when you assign one of your friends into an existing friend list.
Created a new group
Earn points when you create a new group on the site.
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Join the dance space and share whatever you like