How does news search work?

On the "News" page in the right "News" block, you can filter the entries depending on the selected tab:
  • The "All" tab - records of all users of the site will be displayed.
  • The "Me and Friends" tab - the entries made by you and your friends will be displayed.
  • The "My subscriptions" tab - the records of the users you are subscribed to will be displayed.
  • The "Favorite posts" tab - the entries that you marked as favorites will be displayed.
  • The "Pinned Notes" tab - the records that you marked as pinned will be displayed.

You also have the opportunity to create your own news filter by hashtags marked in the notes. With this filtering, you can easily customize the output by interests.
  • In the "News" menu, click on the plus image and a window will open for you to add a new filter.
  • Enter the name of the filter.
  • Enter hashtags. Each hashtag must be separated by a comma and contain the # symbol . Example: #hr, #marketing, #sales.
  • Click "Create".
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